Rosy Surprises II

What a beautiful surprise to have these roses blooming in my garden this winter! Of course the next night it was supposed to freeze and I couldn’t let these beauties go to waste. After cutting and assembling them in a vase, I just kept staring at them as they were bringing so much color and joy to the grey day. Despite several projects on my plate, I had to take a break and capture these rosy fleeting blooms. May they bring some vibrancy to your winter days, too.
“Rosy Surprises II” 
24″ x 24″ textured mixed media collage on 3/4” wrap around
canvas with white continuing around the edges.
$1,650 unframed / $1,800 framed in 1/2″ contemporary silver floater
  • This piece looks great hung individually or paired with a complimentary floral landscape in the series.
    If you are interested in details or seeing floater framing options, please email [email protected].

*** Roll your cursor over the painting above to see a detailed view of the texture.

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