Plein Air Painting in Tuscany with Niki Gulley

“Tuscan Countryside” ©2011 Niki Gulley
Pastel • 14″ by 11″ • SOLD
Rolling hills, rich loamy earth, sunflowers with heavy heads; vineyards,
each vine so cared for they almost stand at attention as roses guard each row.
A blue vault spans the heavens – take a deep breath;
walk out of your villa and smell the rich earth, the clean air –
the vitality of the Tuscan countryside –
another world, another time.
“Tuscan Countryside”captures a moment in Tuscany that you can make your own. Sign up to join Niki Gulley and Scott Williams for their Plein-Air Painting / Photography Workshop in Tuscany this September and make your own unforgettable images of Tuscany. With a registration deadline of April 9th and space filling up quickly, e-mail Niki Gulley if you’d like to join them or visit for more information on the workshop.
To see more of Niki Gulley’s paintings from Tuscany, stop by her booth at Art in the Square in Southlake, Texas, April 15-17. Visit for details.