“La Foce” Tuscany ©2012 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 5″ x 7″ textured oil painting
Day 4, afternoon location, La Foce – Tuscany Art Trek
That afternoon, we were planning on painting this unique winding road dotted with cypress trees, but it started drizzling. So we decided to tour the gardens next door instead. Extremely formal and organized with clipped boxwoods and plantings in symmetrical stone urns, impressive travertine column staircases, and the largest indoor potted citrus grove in the area, it was interesting to see the contrast between an Italian garden and an American garden, and the challenges of getting irrigation to the remote property. That evening we hung out at the villa again, enjoying the beautiful views and sunset while sampling some delicious authentic Italian pizza. A perfect end to the day!
If you’d like to see my paintings from Tuscany and more of my contemporary landscape paintings, please stop by my booth at the Cottonwood Art Festival this weekend, Oct. 6th and 7th, from 10am – 6pm. Visit cottonwoodartfestival.com for details.
Enjoying the dramatic views from our villa over a leisurely dinner that evening.
If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit NikiGulley.com/Artreks for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. The early deadline and to receive a $500 savings for the Venice workshop is today!
If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at [email protected].
US Classes and Workshops – nikigulley.com/art-classes.
Travel Art Treks and Plein Air Workshops – nikigulley.com/artreks/
Available Paintings – NikiGulley.com