7×5 oil by Niki Gullley
Plein Air Painting & Photography Workshop in Santa Fe, NM
Day 2, afternoon location: Chimayo
After our lovely morning location in downtown Santa Fe, we headed north into the hills to photograph and paint Chimayo. While the church seemed like a simple subject for us to paint, the large number of angles and lack of straight lines on the adobe structure proved to be quite a challenge! Everyone did great, and we treated ourselves to sangria and the best meal of the trip at Rancho de Chimayo afterwards.
Part of our group, and our mascot “Shiloh,” painting and enjoying the shade at Chimayo.
Jeanette Korab adding the final touch to her beautiful painting.
If you’d like more information on our upcoming
Plein-Air Painting & Photography Workshops, please e-mail me at Niki Gulley,
or visit my website at nikigulley.com/?page_id=13.
To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, go to nikigulley.com/?page_id=33,
or to purchase this plein air study from Santa Fe, e-mail me at Niki Gulley.