Thanks to everyone who came out this weekend to the Frisco Art Festival. Saturday turned out to be a lovely day and it was great to see you guys. While Sunday turned out to be a rather rainy day, I received good news that I was chosen for the top award at the show, Juror’s Choice – Best of Show! I feel honored since there were so many talented artists at the event. Also, I wanted to share with you an article on the festival that I was interviewed for (attached below) – it ran in Friday’s Dallas Morning News Neighbor’s section.

If you couldn’t make it this past weekend, I hope you can stop by Artscape at the Dallas Arboretum March 20th and 21st. Going on its 5th year, Artscape showcases 100 talented artists from around the country and coincides with the gardens at their peak during Dallas Blooms. I’d love to see you there!