“Diagonal Shadows” – New White Rock Lake Painting by Niki Gulley

“Diagonal Shadows” White Rock Lake ©2015 Niki Gulley
12” x 24” oil on canvas

Sunset draws lengthening shadows across the grassy waters edge at Sunset Bay, White Rock. The lake shimmers in the evening glow as sky high above fills with deep blues and before you the soft, moody colors stretch out, long lines beckoning you into the complex diagonal composition. Rich texture models the leaves, branches and tree trunk rimmed in the sunset and shadow. Vivid masses of color form the foliage on the opposite bank, fall at its peak. The long cast shadows draw you into the tranquil landscape and the peaceful, dreamy sunset at White Rock Lake.

New Dallas Skyline Painting by Niki Gulley

“Golden Moment, White Rock Lake” ©2014 Niki Gulley
Textured oil on canvas • 12″ x 24″

On a peaceful autumn day last fall, I went out with my camera to White Rock Lake and captured this beautiful sunset behind the Dallas skyline. I liked how the pampas grass and various plants in the foreground were back lit by the setting sun and how the water’s surface was shimmering from the low light, adding to a sense of mystery and tranquility in that golden moment.

To see more of my palette knife contemporary landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.

E-mail – Niki Gulley

“Diagonal Shadows” – New White Rock Lake Painting by Niki Gulley

“Diagonal Shadows” White Rock Lake ©2014 Niki Gulley
12” x 24” oil on canvas

Sunset draws lengthening shadows across the grassy waters edge at Sunset Bay, White Rock. The lake shimmers in the evening glow as sky high above fills with deep blues and before you the soft, moody colors stretch out, long lines beckoning you into the complex diagonal composition. Rich texture models the leaves, branches and tree trunk rimmed in the sunset and shadow. Vivid masses of color form the foliage on the opposite bank, fall at its peak. The long cast shadows draw you into the tranquil landscape and the peaceful, dreamy sunset at White Rock Lake.

To see more of my palette knife contemporary landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.

E-mail – Niki Gulley

“Long Shadows,” White Rock Lake by Niki Gulley

“Long Shadows” White Rock Lake ©2012 Niki Gulley
12” x 24” oil on canvas

Sunset draws lengthening shadows across the grassy waters edge at Sunset Bay, White Rock. The lake shimmers in the evening glow as sky high above fills with deep blues and before you the soft, moody colors stretch out, long lines beckoning you into the complex diagonal composition. Rich texture models the leaves, branches and tree trunk rimmed in the sunset and shadow. Vivid masses of color form the foliage on the opposite bank, fall at its peak. The long cast shadows draw you into the tranquil landscape and the peaceful, dreamy sunset at White Rock Lake.

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her contemporary landscape paintings.

“Choices Await” new White Rock Lake painting

“Choices Await” ©2011 Niki Gulley
12” x 24” textured oil on wrap around canvas

Every day brings a choice – where should you go? Which path should you take? Life awaits you and this artwork says that you have everything before you: your “Choices Await” you. This masterful V shaped composition pulls you into the painting of still waters, reflected reeds and trees creating a sense of calm and meditation. Bring home this beautiful memory of White Rock Lake and each day it will challenge you to be bold, be decisive.

To see the contemplative “Choices Await” and more of Niki Gulley’s textured palette knife oil paintings in person, please stop by her booth at Wells Street Art Show.
Saturday June 10 from 11 am to 8 pm and
Sunday June 11 from noon to 6 pm.
Chicago, IL • On N. Wells St., between North Ave. & Division
Booth #118 & 120
Or, e-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her contemporary landscape paintings.

Winter’s Passage oil painting

“Winter’s Passage” ©2011 Niki Gulley
oil on canvas • 20″ x 16″

“Winter’s Passage” is from one of our rare days in Dallas where everything was covered in ice and even though it was the middle of winter, there was still a warmth to the landscape. So I chose a bold yellow/orange to tone the canvas and to add a glow to the final piece. While painting this White Rock scene, I really liked the contrast between the golden underpainting and the deep indigo blues in the shadows and branches, so I decided to leave the underpainting showing through. The finished painting has such an unusual light and I really love the dramatic mood that resulted.
For more information on this painting, e-mail Niki Gulley.

Cottonwood Art Festival – this weekend

“Reflections in Time” ©2010 Niki Gulley
Oil on canvas • 24” x 36”

This painting is inspired by one of my favorite spots just ten minutes from our home in Dallas. It was a perfect autumn day – about 70° with a slight breeze and the peaking autumn colors were more vibrant than usual. With such a gentle wind, the vivid foliage and gorgeous fluffy clouds were reflected fairly clearly in the water and yet at the same time, I chose to create fluid moving strokes to suggest the peaceful energy in that moment.

To see this painting in person, visit my booth at the Cottonwood Art Festival in Richardson, TX this weekend, CottonwoodArtFestival.com.

Or, e-mail me at Niki@NikiGulley.com for more information.

Winter’s Calm

“Winter’s Calm” ©2009 Niki Gulley
pastel 16″ x 20″

This pastel was inspired by one of our few snowfalls in Dallas a few years ago. I bundled up and ran out with my camera in the morning to capture the moment before the sun melted all of the snow later that day. Having grown up in Chicago, I love the beauty and peacefulness from the first snowfall of the year. I just prefer living here so that it doesn’t last more than a day and there’s no shoveling involved!

White Rock Sunset II

“White Rock Sunset II” ©2009 Niki Gulley oil painting • 7″ x 5″

Another beautiful sunset over White Rock Lake in Dallas. I feel very fortunate in an otherwise concrete city to have this lovely slice of nature practically out our backdoor. I think being out in nature helps rejuvenate our spirit from time to time – I know it does for me! I hope you can visit me at the Lakewood Market this weekend. For more information, e-mail me at niki@nikigulley.com or visit lecpta.org/lakewoodhomefestival/MarketCafe/MarketCafe.htm.

Lakewood Home Festival Market
Sat. Nov. 14th from 10am – 5pm
Sun. Nov. 15th from 11am – 5pm
The Lakewood Elementary School
3000 Hillbrook Dr. • Dallas

Crimson Sky, White Rock Lake

“Crimson Sky,” White Rock Lake ©2009 Niki Gulley 25″ x 19″ pastel

Fresh off the easel! I wanted to create a dramatic piece of White Rock Lake and the Dallas Skyline. Here is one of our rare beautiful sunsets in Dallas. If you’d like more information on this pastel, e-mail me at niki@nikigulley.com or stop by the White Rock Art Festival this weekend to see it person.

White Rock Art Festival

Sat. Nov. 7th from 10am – 5pm
Sun. Nov. 8th from noon – 5pm
Hexter Elementary
9720 Waterview Rd. • Dallas