Tuscany Plein-Air Painting and Photography Workshop with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

9″ x 12″ textured oil painting by Niki Gulley

Plein Air Painting and Photography Workshop with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

On the next day of our Tuscany Art Trek, we took it easy and painted right at the villa while the photographers and the rest of the group went exploring in Montalcino. I decided to paint this view from our breakfast table, since I’d been admiring it every day of the trip. It was a gorgeous morning with beautiful puffy white clouds that gave the landscape a beautiful soft filtered light. Working with palette knife, this rolling hills scene is loaded with texture, color and movement!
For lunch we feasted on fresh local fruit and vegees, pecorinos, cured meats and a little wine and prosecco at the villa. Bon appetito!

If you’d like to join us in Tuscany for our next Plein Air Painting and Photography Workshop Sept. 5th-13th, please let me know. Early registration deadline of Nov. 16th for a $600 savings is quickly approaching! For more details, e-mail Niki Gulley or go to nikigulley.com/artreks.
Upcoming Art Treks
Venice, Italy – Carnivalé – Feb. 22-Mar. 1, 2014
Paris, France – June 19-27, 2014
 Provence, France – June 26 – July 4, 2014
Tuscany, Italy – Sept. 5-13, 2014

Cinque Terre and Lake Como, Italy – Sept. 12-21, 2014

Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshops
Led by Niki Gulley and Scott Williams
These workshops are filling up quickly, so we encourage you to register soon!

E-mail me at [email protected] for more information.
To see more of my contemporary landscape paintings and plein air oil paintings, please visit my booth
at the Cottonwood Art Festival in Richardson, TX this weekend.
Cottonwood Art Festival
Sat. Oct. 5th • 10am – 7pm
Sun. Oct. 6th • 10am – 6pm

 Cottonwood Park at Beltline Rd. and Coit • Richardson, TX


Tuscany Painting / Photo Workshop with Niki Gulley & Scott Williams

“Amapola” ©2011 Niki Gulley
SOLD • pastel 11″ x 14″
This pastel was inspired by the beautiful Tuscan countryside.
If you’d like to paint in Tuscany, too, join us for our next Plein-Air Painting & Photography Workshop, Sept. 2 -10. See more details at nikigulley.com/?page_id=13 or e-mail Niki Gulley for more information. We’d love to have you along for this amazing adventure!
For more information on Scott Williams’ photography, visit Blind-Squirrel.org.

Plein Air Painting Workshop – Tuscany

“Poppy Passion” ©2010 Niki Gulley
18″ x 36″ oil painting

Our upcoming workshop that we’re teaching in Tuscany makes me think about the gorgeous poppy fields blooming along the rolling Italian hills in springtime. To think that such a delicate flower can produce that powerful explosion of color when planted in mass boggles my senses. Seeing that sudden burst of intense orange or red against the azure blue sky after miles of green countryside is quite amazing. I love how complimentary colors, like blue and orange, vibrate when placed next to each other and I wanted to communicate that beauty and excitement in “Poppy Passion,” while reliving some of my favorite vacation memories from Tuscany – the warmth of the people, the beauty of the rolling hills and vineyards, the delicious, savory slow-grown food and wine and enjoying the laid-back, smell-the-roses time with my loved ones.

If you like to see “Poppy Passion” in person and you’re in the Chicago area, stop by my booth #89 at the Oakbrook Fine Art Invitational this weekend. Visit oakbrookcenter.com for more information or check.

If you’d like to find out more about our upcoming Painting & Photography Workshops in Europe, go to nikigulley.com/?page_id=13 or e-mail me at [email protected] for more information. Our September Tuscany workshop is full, but we’re taking names for  next May to Greece and Tuscany in September.