Painting Irises in the Garden by Texas Artist Niki Gulley


“Moving Expectations II” ©2023 Niki Gulley
20″ x 30″ Textured Mixed Media on Canvas 

My irises this year were so beautiful and prolific and added so much joy after the year that we had, that I felt compelled to capture that feeling on canvas. Taking the ideas that I started in this new series from inside my studio to outside in my garden, my goal was to create pieces that are full of joy, energy, texture and light. Painting the flowers larger than life and adding layers and layers of paint to build up texture, the cheerful blooms come to life and dance across the canvas.


For more information on my large floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
To see more of my contemporary textured paintings, please visit


“Along the Shoreline” by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley


“Along the Shoreline” ©2023 Niki Gulley
14″ x 18” textured oil painting on canvas

Early on a fall morning the sun breaks softly through leafy branches and casts early autumn’s palette across the creek. Silent water is ruffled by a gentle breeze. Arching over, bending into the quiet waters, a tree arches into the scene – encompassing, embracing. This painting captures the dreamy reflections and tranquil landscape of one of my favorite spots to paint on location near my home. It is painted in the traditional plein air oil manner, incorporating some heavy texture with palette knife.

To purchase “Breaking Through”, please visit
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her contemporary landscape paintings. 
See to view her textured palette knife oil paintings.

Pastel Home Portrait by Texas Artist Niki Gulley


SOLD • 11″ x 14″ pastel by Niki Gulley
Just Delivered! My final request for 2022 was to create a special home portrait. I no longer advertise that I make these, but I am still happy to paint something special for my collectors or their referrals by request. So for this particular pastel, someone new reached out to me with the craziest 6-degrees-of-separation story! They had purchased a home in the M streets of Dallas and the previous home owner (who turned out to be one of my early collectors) had gifted and left them the home portrait I had created for her in 2004.
Fast forward to this year, and these home owners were ready to move into another place, so they wanted to pass on the gift again to the new people purchasing their home and leave my home portrait from 2004 with the house. So, of course when they moved into their new place (and no one had left a home portrait here), they asked me to create something special for their Christmas gift. So fun! I was even able to include their doggie in the window this time. I hope they enjoy the new memories, and a big thank you to both home owners from 2004 and 2022.
To see more of my contemporary textured landscape paintings, please visit
For more information on my large floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.


Winter Wonderland Commission by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley


“Cookie’s Winter Garden” ©2022 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 24″ x 12″ Textured Mixed Media on Canvas

Just Shipped! This has been a busy year for commissions! Next, I was asked to create two special paintings for some collectors of mine, whom we have become really close to over the years. They have accompanied us on an Art Trek and have graciously invited us to stay with them in Mexico and the United States since that fun-filled trip. So, I was truly honored and flattered that they asked me to paint Cookie’s garden in full bloom during the summer and also frosted with snow in the winter.

Trying to take fairly horizontal compositions and turn them into narrow vertical paintings made for a fun, challenging project! While, making sure the garden was filled with a beautiful dusting of snow so that every branch was iced and including personal details like the angel statue and the Christmas wreath on the red door, I wanted their garden and walkway to welcome you into their lovely home. 




To see more of my contemporary textured landscape paintings, please visit
For more information on my large floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.


New Garden Commission by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley


“Cookie’s Summer Garden” ©2022 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 24″ x 12″ Textured Mixed Media on Canvas

Just Shipped! This has been a busy year for commissions! Next, I was asked to create two special paintings for some collectors of mine, whom we have become really close to over the years. They have accompanied us on an Art Trek and have graciously invited us to stay with them in Mexico and the United States since that fun-filled trip. So, I was truly honored and flattered that they asked me to paint Cookie’s garden in full bloom during the summer and also frosted with snow in the winter.

Trying to take a fairly horizontal composition and turn it into a narrow vertical made for a fun, challenging project! While, making sure the garden was filled with prolific colorful blooms and including personal details like the angel statue and the bird bath in the tree, I wanted their garden and walkway to welcome you into their lovely home. 




To see more of my contemporary textured landscape paintings, please visit
For more information on my large floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.


“Blossoming Dreams II” Abstract Bluebonnet Painting by Niki Gulley


“Blossoming Dreams II” ©2022 Niki Gulley
24″ x 36″ textured mixed media painting on 1.5″ wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges

 I wanted to show Texas’ spring landscape in a completely different way. Making sure not to over blend my thick strokes so that you could see the marks and feel the energy found in nature. Repeating patterns and waves of color create a harmony within the painting, while rendering the bluebonnets and wildflowers along with their surroundings abstractly plays with taking a traditional subject matter and showing it in a contemporary way. With an aura of mystery, late day light touches the tops of the grasses and hills with glimmers of hope.

For more information on this painting, please contact The Good Art Company Gallery, in Fredericksburg, TX at

For details on more of my bluebonnet and Texas wildflower paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.

“Blue Rhapsody II” Abstract Bluebonnet Painting by Niki Gulley



“Blue Rhapsody II” ©2022 Niki Gulley
36″ x 36″ textured mixed media painting on wrap around canvas
I wanted to show Texas’ spring landscape in a completely different way. With an aura of mystery and the promise of what tomorrow holds, late day light sparkles over the horizon casting its warm glow kissing everything it touches with glimmers of hope. The vague suggestion of bluebonnets and colorful wildflowers peek through the dancing golden tangle, leaving the landscape loose and free so that your imagination can tell its story. May you relish the joy in the beauty of nature, bathing in the moment and looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

Please contact AO5 Gallery in Austin, TX to purchase this painting:




To see more of my contemporary floral paintings, visit
For more information on my palette knife bluebonnet and Texas wildflower paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

“Spring Forward III” Bluebonnet Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley




“Spring Forward III” ©2022 Niki Gulley
20″ x 24″ textured mixed media painting on canvas

I painted “Spring Forward” while visiting the Texas Hill Country. The explosion of color along roadsides was incredible! This morning the sun kept peeking in and out of the clouds, creating a soft glow to everything it touched. I wanted to capture that magical light illuminating your journey lined by bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush. I hope you, too, can feel the excitement of springtime with the wildflowers abloom!

For details on more of my bluebonnet and Texas wildflower paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.

New Ocean Sunset Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley


“Hazy Sunset” ©2022 Niki Gulley
9″ x 12″ textured acrylic painting on canvas panel

Painting this piece on location, I wanted to capture the movement in the ocean as the tides lapped along the shoreline. With the waves creating their cathartic rhythmic sounds, I left my strokes loose to convey that energy and motion. There was a beautiful sunset tonight that caused the sky and water’s surface to dance in these ethereal shades of pink and gold. I hope you, too, can feel the peaceful magic in the moment.

Visit my website at to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.
Or e-mail me for more information on my seascapes at [email protected].

Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley Paints Cathartic Seascapes


12″ x 12″ textured acrylic painting on canvas panel
©2022 Niki Gulley 

 I wanted this painting to be about the power of the ocean to lift your spirits. Painting this piece on location, I was hoping you could feel the ocean tides lapping on the shore and hear the rhythmic, soothing sounds of the waves cresting and falling like I was experiencing while painting it. Whenever I visit the beach I always feel rejuvenated, and I hope I’ve translated that onto the canvas for you to experience it, too.

To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape and seascape paintings, visit