“Arms to Heaven” Uplifting Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

“Arms to Heaven” ©2023 Niki Gulley
 30″ x 30″ textured mixed media painting on 1.5″ deep canvas with the painting wrapping around the edges
In this painting I wanted you to feel that child-like wonder of staring up in into the treetops and heavens above. Choosing uplifting autumn tones contrasted against a turquoise blue sky, gentle clouds drift by as the sun peeks through casting its magical light on everything it touches and lifting your spirits. Arranging the trees in a circular pattern gives you a sense of laying on the ground, surrounded by the forest and directs your eye to hope’s focal point. Utilizing thick, energetic paint strokes adds to that joyful, playful feeling of promise and discovery.
For more information on my textured palette knife paintings, please e-mail me at Niki Gulley.


Or, please visit my website at  NikiGulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape paintings.




“Blossoming Dreams II” Abstract Bluebonnet Painting by Niki Gulley


“Blossoming Dreams II” ©2023 Niki Gulley
24″ x 36″ textured mixed media painting on 1.5″ wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges

 I wanted to show Texas’ spring landscape in a completely different way. Making sure not to over blend my thick strokes so that you could see the marks and feel the energy found in nature. Repeating patterns and waves of color create a harmony within the painting, while rendering the bluebonnets and wildflowers along with their surroundings abstractly plays with taking a traditional subject matter and showing it in a contemporary way. With an aura of mystery, late day light touches the tops of the grasses and hills with glimmers of hope.

For more information on this painting, please contact The Good Art Company Gallery, in Fredericksburg, TX at goodartcompany.com/gacart/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=25&sort=20a&page=1&z.

For details on more of my bluebonnet and Texas wildflower paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at nikigulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.



“Blue Rhapsody II” Abstract Bluebonnet Painting by Niki Gulley


“Blue Rhapsody II” ©2022 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 36″ x 36″ textured mixed media painting on wrap around canvas
Just sold through AO5 Gallery! I wanted to show Texas’ spring landscape in a completely different way. With an aura of mystery and the promise of what tomorrow holds, late day light sparkles over the horizon casting its warm glow kissing everything it touches with glimmers of hope. The vague suggestion of bluebonnets and colorful wildflowers peek through the dancing golden tangle, leaving the landscape loose and free so that your imagination can tell its story. May you relish the joy in the beauty of nature, bathing in the moment and looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.


To see more of my contemporary floral paintings, visit nikigulley.com.
For more information on my palette knife bluebonnet and Texas wildflower paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.


Contemporary Iris Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley




“Bursting with Sunshine” ©2022 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 12″ x 12″ textured mixed media painting on 1.5″ wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges

This series of bearded irises incorporates extremely thick paint applied with palette knife along with drips and swirls to add energy and whimsy. This gives the paintings a 3D feel that comes alive and jumps off the canvas, while adding joy and color to your room. 

For details on more of my contemporary floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at nikigulley.com to see more of my impressionistic landscape palette knife paintings.



“Melting Blues” Bluebonnet Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley



“Melting Blues” Series ©2022 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 12″ x 12″ textured mixed media painting on 1.5″ wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges

Incorporating extremely thick paint applied with palette knife along with drips and swirls, adds energy and whimsy. This gives the paintings a 3D feel that comes alive and jumps off the canvas, while adding joy and color to your room. 

For details on more of my bluebonnet and Texas wildflower paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at nikigulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.



Contemporary Iris Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley




“Bursting with Sunshine” ©2022 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 12″ x 12″ textured mixed media painting on 1.5″ wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges

This series of bearded irises incorporates extremely thick paint applied with palette knife along with drips and swirls to add energy and whimsy. This gives the paintings a 3D feel that comes alive and jumps off the canvas, while adding joy and color to your room. 

For details on more of my contemporary floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at nikigulley.com to see more of my impressionistic landscape palette knife paintings.



Abstract Poppy Field Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley


“Nature’s Brushstrokes II” ©2022 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 24″ x 24″ textured oil painting on wrap around canvas
Just Sold! In this painting, I wanted to render vibrant poppies and wildflowers very abstractly. Focusing on the patterns of color that those vivid reds and cobalt blues form, allows you to feel the excitement of peering into a huge field of blooming glory. Mysterious light tries to break through the distant foliage and  begin to illuminate the blossoms, beckoning you to explore what’s beyond.
For more details on my other contemporary floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at nikigulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.


Abstract Texas Wildflower Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley

“Spring Interlude II” ©2023 Niki Gulley
36″ x 36″ textured mixed media painting on gallery wrap canvas
In this painting, I wanted to render the Indian Paintbrush and Texas wildflowers abstractly. Focusing on the patterns of color that those vibrant reds, serene greens and warm pops of light form, allows you to feel the excitement of peering into a huge field of wildflower glory. Mysterious light begins to break through the distant foliage, illuminating the blossoms and guiding your way on your morning walk through the spring glory.  That dreamy dawn light beckons you to slow down, revel in the journey and then explore what’s beyond while taking in nature’s symphony.
For more details on my other Texas paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at nikigulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.


Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley Painting Roses in Her Garden


“Moving Expectations III” ©2023 Niki Gulley
20″ x 30″ Textured Mixed Media on Canvas

As my garden kept evolving this spring, I was treated every day to a new blossoming surprise! After my irises were complete, I was greeted by the most gorgeous roses I’ve seen since I planted them 5 years ago. So, of course I had to go out and capture those beauties before they disappeared. 

 Wanting to create pieces that are full of joy, energy, texture and light, I painted the blooms large to add to that feeling of hope and exuberance. Choosing to leave the background airy and working with thick layers of white on white paint, multi-colored roses dance across the canvas with spontaneity and freedom. I hope these paintings bring the beauty of nature inside and fill your spirit with light and cheer.




To see more of my contemporary textured paintings, please visit nikigulley.com.
For more information on my large floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.



“Moving Expectations” Contemporary Floral Painting by Niki Gulley


“Moving Expectations” ©2023 Niki Gulley
20″ x 30″ Textured Mixed Media on Canvas 

Taking the ideas that I started in this new series from inside my studio to outside in my garden, my goal was to create pieces that are full of joy, energy, texture and light. My irises this year were so beautiful and prolific and added so much joy after the year that we had, that I felt compelled to capture their symbols of optimism.

Painting the yellow blossoms larger than life add to that feeling of hope and exuberance. Choosing to leave the background airy and working with thick layers of white on white paint, ribbons of brightly colored blooms dance across the canvas with spontaneity and freedom. With room to roam, I hope these paintings bring the beauty of nature inside and fill your spirit with light and cheer.




To see more of my contemporary textured paintings, please visit nikigulley.com.
For more information on my large floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
