For details on more of my bluebonnet and Texas wildflower paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
Or, check out my website at to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.

For details on more of my bluebonnet and Texas wildflower paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
Or, check out my website at to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.
Or, check out my website at to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.
In this painting I wanted you to feel that child-like wonder of staring up into the treetops and heavens above. Choosing uplifting golds and reds contrasted against a turquoise-blue sky with gentle clouds drifting by, I’ve arranged the aspens in a circular pattern to give you a sense of laying on the ground, surrounded by the forest. Using diagonal leading lines with the tree trunks and limbs, your eye gazes into the focal point where all of the elements come together. Meanwhile, utilizing thick, curving paint strokes adds to that joyful, playful feeling of hope and discovery.
Early on a fall morning the sun breaks softly through leafy branches and casts early autumn’s palette across the creek. Silent water is ruffled by a gentle breeze. Arching over, bending into the quiet waters, a tree arches into the scene – encompassing, embracing. This painting captures the dreamy reflections and tranquil landscape of one of my favorite spots to paint on location near my home. It is painted in the traditional plein air oil manner, incorporating some heavy texture with palette knife.
What a beautiful surprise to have these roses blooming in my garden this winter! Of course the next night it was supposed to freeze and I couldn’t let these beauties go to waste. After cutting and assembling them in a vase, I just kept staring at them as they were bringing so much color and joy to the grey day. Despite several projects on my plate, I had to take a break and capture these rosy fleeting blooms. May they bring some vibrancy to your winter days, too.
In this painting I wanted you to feel that child-like wonder of staring up into the treetops and heavens above. Choosing uplifting golds and reds contrasted against a lavender-blue sky with gentle clouds drifting by, I’ve arranged the aspens in a circular pattern to give you a sense of laying on the ground, surrounded by the forest. Using diagonal leading lines with the tree trunks and limbs, your eye gazes into the focal point where all of the elements come together. Meanwhile, utilizing thick, curving paint strokes adds to that joyful, playful feeling of hope and discovery.
For details on more of my Texas paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
Or, check out my website at to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.
As my garden kept evolving this spring, I was treated every day to a new blossoming surprise! After my irises were complete, I was greeted by the most gorgeous roses I’ve seen since I planted them 5 years ago. So, of course I had to go out and capture those beauties before they disappeared.
Wanting to create pieces that are full of joy, energy, texture and light, I painted the blooms large to add to that feeling of hope and exuberance. Choosing to leave the background airy and working with thick layers of white on white paint, multi-colored roses dance across the canvas with spontaneity and freedom. I hope these paintings bring the beauty of nature inside and fill your spirit with light and cheer.
My irises this year were so beautiful and prolific and added so much joy after the year that we had, that I felt compelled to capture that feeling on canvas. Taking the ideas that I started in this new series from inside my studio to outside in my garden, my goal was to create pieces that are full of joy, energy, texture and light. Painting the flowers larger than life and adding layers and layers of paint to build up texture, the cheerful blooms come to life and dance across the canvas.