36″ x 48″ textured oil painting on wrap around canvas
With “Sparking the Imagination,” I wanted you to feel that child-like wonder of staring up into the treetops, mesmerized by the scene overhead. I’ve arranged the trunks in a spiral pattern so that you have a sense of laying on the ground, surrounded by woodland, connecting with nature and the heavens above. Flowing in an ascending circular pattern, transitioning from spring, summer, winter, fall and back again to spring, reminds us of the cyclical forces of life and what our place can be within it.
To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.
Getting a chance to escape home confinement for a quick road trip to the mountains to paint, was just what the doctor ordered! Spending time in nature and reveling in the stunning fall colors with the crisp cool air, rejuvenated my spirit and inspired my muse. Add to the fact that I love aspens and you have just about the perfect remedy for these challenging times. I hope that you will feel my excitement and energy so that it will bring you as much joy as it did me.
If you’d like to purchase “Autumn’s Descent,” it is available through:
Studio Seven Arts Gallery
Getting a chance to escape home confinement for a quick road trip to the mountains to paint, was just what the doctor ordered! Spending time in nature and reveling in the stunning fall colors with the crisp cool air, rejuvenated my spirit and inspired my muse. Add to the fact that I love aspens and you have just about the perfect remedy for these challenging times. I hope that you will feel my excitement and energy so that it will bring you as much joy as it did me.
If you’d like to see or find out more details about “Fence Line,” it is available through:
Studio Seven Arts Gallery
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on my textured Colorado paintings.
Painting in the mountains, especially this year was so cathartic and emotional. It was such a joy to be there surrounded by these amazing fall colors, that it would bring me to tears every day. I felt so fortunate to be able to do this when so many people weren’t able to travel, that I poured my heart and soul into every painting. I hope that you can feel the joy that I felt when you see them.
To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.