“Autumn Reflections” ©2014 Niki Gulley
18″ x 48″ textured oil painting on gallery wrap canvas
In Autumn Reflections, I wanted to give you the feeling of a beautiful, peaceful retreat on a colorful autumn day. To create that feeling of being immersed in nature, I chose this long panorama format so that the sanctuary is completely engulfed in fall foliage, a perfect escape from bustling city life. Loaded with uplifting color, still waters suggest a calming effect. One small ripple in the lake’s distance lets you know that some ducks just swam by and you are surrounded by wildlife, not a care in the world.
To see more of my palette knife contemporary landscape paintings, visit
Or if you are in the Dallas area this weekend, please stop by my booth at the Cottonwood Art Festival.
Cottonwood Art Festival (TX)
Sat. May 3 • 10am – 7pm
Sun. May 4 • 10am – 5pm
Richardson, TX
Cottonwood Park at Coit & Beltline