New “Scenic Route” Palette Knife Autumn oil painting by Niki Gulley

“Scenic Route” ©2015 Niki Gulley
Textured Oil Painting on wrap around canvas • 20” x 60”

My husband and I love exploring the back roads whenever we’re en route somewhere. We always discover such interesting places, and the scenery is so much more picturesque than along the highway. It’s fun to slow down and enjoy the journey with no agenda, which is what I had in mind when I painted “Scenic Route,” a beautiful autumn drive through the winding fall foliage.

If you’re in the Dallas area this coming weekend and you’d like to see Autumn Reflections and more of my palette knife paintings in person, please stop by my booth at the Cottonwood Art Festival.

Cottonwood Art Festival
Sat. May 2 • 10am – 7pm
Sun. May 3 • 10am – 5pm
Richardson, TX
Cottonwood Park at Coit and Beltline
If you have any questions, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
To see more of Niki Gulley’s contemporary landscape paintings, visit

New “Autumn Reflections” Palette Knife Oil Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

“Autumn Reflections” ©2015 Niki Gulley
18″ x 48″ textured oil painting on gallery wrap canvas

In Autumn Reflections, I wanted to give you the feeling of a beautiful, peaceful retreat on a colorful autumn day. To create that feeling of being immersed in nature, I chose this long panorama format so that the sanctuary is completely engulfed in fall foliage, a perfect escape from bustling city life. Loaded with uplifting color, still waters suggest a calming effect. One small ripple in the lake’s distance lets you know that some ducks just swam by and you are surrounded by wildlife, not a care in the world.

If you’re in the Dallas area this coming weekend and you’d like to see Autumn Reflections and more of my palette knife paintings in person, please stop by my booth at the Cottonwood Art Festival.

Cottonwood Art Festival
Sat. May 2 • 10am – 7pm
Sun. May 3 • 10am – 5pm
Richardson, TX
Cottonwood Park at Coit & Beltline
If you have any questions, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
To see more of Niki Gulley’s contemporary landscape paintings, visit

“Creating Memories” Palette Knife Oil Painting of Venice, Italy by Niki Gulley

“Creating Memories,” Venice ©2015 Niki Gulley
24″ x 36″ • textured oil painting
Inspired from our first trip to Italy, I fell in love with everything about Venice. The city feels preserved in time with all transportation happening on water versus roads. The architecture, art, history, and people are all fascinating, the food and wine delicious, and it was such a romantic place to visit. So in this painting, I captured a lone gondola to convey that feeling of lazily drifting along with your loved one down this brick canal filled with history and future memories.

If you’re in the Dallas area this coming weekend and you’d like to see Creating Memories and more of my palette knife paintings in person, please stop by my booth at the Cottonwood Art Festival.

Cottonwood Art Festival
Sat. May 2 • 10am – 7pm
Sun. May 3 • 10am – 5pm
Richardson, TX
Cottonwood Park at Coit & Beltline
If you have any questions, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
To see more of Niki Gulley’s contemporary landscape paintings, visit

New “Golden Tangle” Fall Foliage Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

“Golden Tangle” ©2015 Niki Gulley
9″ x 12″ textured oil on canvas

I painted this golden oak at White Rock Lake last fall. I loved how the canary yellow leaves glowed from the late afternoon sun as it illuminated the foliage from behind. Being backlit, the trunk went an inky velvet black and all of its gnarly limbs popped against that gilded backdrop, which I accented with flecks of crimson. Created with palette knife and a lot of thick oil paint, this canvas is loaded with texture, uplifting color and energy.

If interested in more information on pricing and purchasing this palette knife fall scene, please contact The Good Art Company.

To see more of my textured contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, please visit

 E-mail Niki Gulley

New “Marching into Autumn” Palette Knife Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

“Marching into Autumn” ©2015 Niki Gulley
10″ x 20″ textured oil on canvas

I painted this colorful autumn scene near my home when the fall foliage was first starting to appear. I loved the vibrant reds, oranges and yellows of the cypress contrasted against the multitude of greens surrounding it. The patterns of the shadows underneath the trees created a sort of rhythm and I played up the angles of the trees and strokes to add to that feeling of a driving beat. I hope you, too, can feel the energy and joy of being surrounded by nature as autumn approaches.

If interested in more information on pricing and purchasing this palette knife fall scene, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

To see more of my textured contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, please visit

“Resolute” Palette Knife Oil Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

“Resolute” ©2015 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 24” x 18” textured oil painting
Just Sold! From our travels, I have become fascinated with the textures, hues and extreme variety we encounter in different terrains. I was intrigued by this one lone tree thriving in this rocky narrow canyon while only  receiving a few hours of sunshine a day. The unique striations and colors in the cliffs were amazing, too. Painted with palette knife and extremely thick oil paint, this painting is loaded with dimension, color and energy!
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her contemporary landscape paintings.

Contemporary Birch Tree Palette Knife Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

“Embracing the Moment” ©2015 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 24″ x 48″ textured oil painting on wrap around canvas

I wanted this painting to be about the power and energy in nature to invigorate your spirit, so I chose to use warm vivid colors and thick staccato strokes to add to that feeling. I placed the fall foliage in diagonal sweeping shapes to create a sense of movement, so that you can feel the wind gently rustling the leaves and causing them to dance on a beautiful fall day.

Just sold through the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX (

To see more of my contemporary landscape paintings, please visit

For more information on my palette knife birch and aspen tree paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

“Diagonal Shadows” – New White Rock Lake Painting by Niki Gulley

“Diagonal Shadows” White Rock Lake ©2015 Niki Gulley
12” x 24” oil on canvas

Sunset draws lengthening shadows across the grassy waters edge at Sunset Bay, White Rock. The lake shimmers in the evening glow as sky high above fills with deep blues and before you the soft, moody colors stretch out, long lines beckoning you into the complex diagonal composition. Rich texture models the leaves, branches and tree trunk rimmed in the sunset and shadow. Vivid masses of color form the foliage on the opposite bank, fall at its peak. The long cast shadows draw you into the tranquil landscape and the peaceful, dreamy sunset at White Rock Lake.

“Spring’s Rewards” New Poppy Palette Knife Painting by Niki Gulley

“Spring’s Rewards” ©2015 Niki Gulley
24″ x 12″ textured mixed media on canvas 

Red headed poppies nod and wave, basking in summer sunshine, nestling amidst green pastures and soon to be harvested crops. It’s Provence: fertile, fruitful and filled with stunning vistas in every direction.
I hope you, too, feel an uplifting sense of peacefulness and the beauty of the countryside looking into Spring’s Rewards.

“Spring’s Rewards” and several of my contemporary impressionistic landscapes are also on display at the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. For more information, please contact

To see more of my poppy and palette knife floral paintings, please visit

E-mail – Niki Gulley

“Ruby Delights” Palette Knife Poppy Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

“Ruby Delights” ©2015 Niki Gulley
24″ x 12″ textured mixed media on canvas 

Inspired from a wonderful trip to Provence, I wanted this piece to be uplifting and full of color and energy.
Set beneath floating clouds and an azure blue sky on a beautiful day in springtime with the poppies and wildflowers in full bloom, I hope all of your cares drift away while gazing into this cheerful scene.

“Ruby Delights” and several of my contemporary impressionistic landscapes are also on display at the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. For more information, please contact

To see more of my poppy and palette knife floral paintings, please visit

E-mail – Niki Gulley