New “Backyard Oasis” Textured Oil Painting by Impressionist Niki Gulley

“Backyard Oasis” ©2020 Niki Gulley
14″ x 11″ textured oil painting 3/4″ gallery wrap canvas with the painting continuing around the edges
I have tried to make the most of my time at home this summer, so I have spent plenty of days painting in my garden. My plants have been a flowering explosion of color this year and I have loved every minute that I was able to revel in their beauty.
If you’re interested in purchasing this painting, just follow this link .
To see framing options, please e-mail me.
If you’d like to receive daily e-mails about these new paintings as soon as I finish them and a chance to purchase them before anyone else, please follow me on Facebook or Instagram. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it you could pass this along. Thank you!


E-mail Niki Gulley.