“Let the Sun Shine In” Textured Painting by Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #29
“Let the Sun Shine In” #2 ©2020 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 8″ x 8″ textured acrylic painting

Once more my garden has surpassed my wildest dreams by providing me with an endless supply of beautiful options to paint. Today I got to explore more of my sunflowers, which always put me in a good mood. I hope this colorful beauty brightens your day, too!If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/let-the-sun-shine-in-2/ .

Let the Sunshine In #1 pictured above in 3.5″ black frame. If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive daily e-mails about these new paintings as soon as I finish them and a chance to purchase them before anyone else, please follow me on Facebook or Instagram. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it you could pass this along. Thank you! E-mail Niki Gulley.

New Cheerful Sunflower Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #28
“Let the Sun Shine In” #1 ©2020 Niki Gulley
8″ x 8″ textured acrylic painting
My sunflowers have finally bloomed, so it was time to get out and capture them before the squirrels destroy them. I love to paint the large sunflowers heads – they are the size of a small dinner plate!If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/let-the-sun-shine-in-1/ .

Let the Sunshine In #1 pictured above in 3.5″ black frame. If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive daily e-mails about these new paintings as soon as I finish them and a chance to purchase them before anyone else, please follow me on Facebook or Instagram. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it you could pass this along. Thank you! E-mail Niki Gulley.

Iris Daily Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #24


“Iris on Parade” #6 ©2020 Niki Gulley
5″ x 5″ textured acrylic painting
The way that irises flow lends itself well to my style of painting. Their shapes are so organic, they just seem to spill from the plant like water. Then you throw in some of the most incredible colors and I am a happy camper!If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/iris-on-parade-6/?.

Iris on Parade #4 picture above in black frame. If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive daily e-mails about these new paintings as soon as I finish them and a chance to purchase them before anyone else, please follow me on Facebook or Instagram. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it you could pass this along. Thank you! E-mail Niki Gulley.

Palette Knife Iris Painting by Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #23


“Iris on Parade” #5 ©2020 Niki Gulley
5″ x 5″ textured acrylic painting
When we planted the garden a couple of years ago we went with re-blooming irises so that we would have flowers throughout the year. I wasn’t quite sure how often they would bloom or how long they would last, but I have been very pleased with what they have been doing this year.If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/iris-on-parade-5/?.

Iris on Parade #4 picture above in black frame. If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive daily e-mails about these new paintings as soon as I finish them and a chance to purchase them before anyone else, please follow me on Facebook or Instagram. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it you could pass this along. Thank you! E-mail Niki Gulley.

Day 22 – Painting Textured Irises by Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #22


“Iris on Parade” #4 ©2020 Niki Gulley
5″ x 5″ textured acrylic painting
Our first year’s blooms of irises were pretty anemic, so this year when I had so many blossoms I was ecstatic! With multiple plants flowering throughout the garden, I had my choice of what captured my eye.If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/iris-on-parade-4/?.

Iris on Parade #4 picture above in black frame. If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive daily e-mails about these new paintings as soon as I finish them and a chance to purchase them before anyone else, please follow me on Facebook or Instagram. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it you could pass this along. Thank you! E-mail Niki Gulley.





Cheerful Sunflower Field Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #21
“Floral Radiance” #2 ©2020 Niki Gulley
5″ x 10″ textured mixed media on canvas, mounted to Gatorboard

Oh how I love sunflowers. Everything about them just screams happy. I have even planted some in my garden and it looks like I will be home this year to see them. Can’t wait! Unfortunately, last year the birds got to them before I had a chance to do anything with them.


If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/floral-radiance-2/.

If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive weekly e-mails about these new paintings, please tell me to add you to my daily paintings newsletter. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it if you could pass this along. Also, you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram where I post daily about these new pieces as they’re ready. Thank you!

E-mail Niki Gulley.




New Poppy Field Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #19
“Floral Radiance” #1 ©2020 Niki Gulley
8″ x 5.5″ textured mixed media on canvas, mounted to Gatorboard
I have been so fortunate to be able to search for gorgeous poppy fields for myself to paint and my husband to photograph while visiting Italy. That explosion of red just makes my heart leap! I hope you, too, feel the excitement and joy of being surrounded by all of this ruby beauty.


If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/floral-radiance-1/.

If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive weekly e-mails about these new paintings, please tell me to add you to my daily paintings newsletter. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it if you could pass this along. Also, you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram where I post daily about these new pieces as they’re ready. Thank you!

E-mail Niki Gulley.




Textured Garden Bouquet Painting by Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #18
“Garden Bouquet” ©2020 Niki Gulley
8″ x 8″ textured acrylic painting
My garden has been supplying me with such an abundance of beauty, so I thought that I would collect as many different ones as possible and make a bouquet. Of course once I did that and saw what a fantastic display it made, I had to paint it!


If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/garden-bouquet/.

If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive weekly e-mails about these new paintings, please tell me to add you to my daily paintings newsletter. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it if you could pass this along. Also, you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram where I post daily about these new pieces as they’re ready. Thank you!

E-mail Niki Gulley.




Red Rose Painting by Contemporary Expressionist Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #17
“A Rose by Any Other Name” #8 ©2020 Niki Gulley
5″ x 5″ textured acrylic painting
A rose is a rose, is a rose. Not in my backyard – they are what I look at first thing in the morning as I am waiting on my coffee. I love to look out the windows to see if I have any new blooms and what color they are today. That way I can get an idea of what I want to paint that day.


If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link  https://www.nikigulley.com/a-rose-by-any-other-name-8/?.

A Rose by Any Other Name #1 picture above in black frame. If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive weekly e-mails about these new paintings, please tell me to add you to my daily paintings newsletter. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it if you could pass this along. Also, you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram where I post daily about these new pieces as they’re ready. Thank you!

E-mail Niki Gulley.




New Textured Rose Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

Daily Painting #16
abstract floral, contemporary impressionist, daily painting, dallas texas artist, floral art, Niki Gulley paintings, rose painting, bluebonnet painting, Texas wildflowers
“A Rose by Any Other Name” #7 ©2020 Niki Gulley
5″ x 5″ textured acrylic painting

Once more my roses have been providing me with a huge amount of inspiration. Almost every time I turn around there is a new bloom with stunning colors. I love the plant that we picked out, I just had no idea that it would produce such a varied array of different flowers on the same bush.


If you’re interested in purchasing this painting and seeing a close up of its thick texture, just follow this link  https://www.nikigulley.com/a-rose-by-any-other-name-4/ ?.

A Rose by Any Other Name #1 picture above in black frame. If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive weekly e-mails about these new paintings, please tell me to add you to my daily paintings newsletter. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it if you could pass this along. Thank you! E-mail Niki Gulley.


