Painting in Venice with Niki Gulley

“Bon Appetito” ©2012 Niki Gulley
Pastel 24” x 36”

On my first trip to Europe, my husband wanted to take me to Venice since it was one of his favorite cities, and I fell in love with almost everything about it. The timeless quality created by living on canals free of cars, the history in the architecture and even the cobbled walkways, the beauty of the scenery and the magical quality created by the light to name just a few of my favorite things. I love how food and meals play such an important role in Italian culture – a time to slow down and enjoy friendships while savoring the locally grown cuisine and wines over the course of the evening. In this pastel I wanted to communicate all of those joyful feelings in addition to capturing the energy and romance of the city at night. Bon Appetito!

If you’d also like to experience the beauty, history and culture of Venice, join me and my husband / travel photographer, Scott Williams, for our Plein Air Painting and Photography Art Trek to Venice during Carnivalé, Feb. 2-9. Our unique Art Treks afford you the option to choose which aspects interest you, whether it is painting, photography, both or neither, thereby giving you an opportunity to make the most of your experience. Our trips are designed to hone your skills and expand your creativity, all while you further your artistic voice and immerse yourself in the region’s culture and lifestyle. Non-participating partners are encouraged to join us for a reduced price, and we’ll help with travel arrangements, tours, transportation, etc. while we’re painting and photographing.

Plein Air Painting and Photography Workshop
Carnivalé – Venice, Italy
Feb. 2-9, 2013
Taught by Niki Gulley and Scott Williams
Final Registration deadline: Nov. 18

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information or go to

Deadline for Niki Gulley’s “Coloring Outside the Lines” Workshop

“Room with a View,” Tuscany ©2012 Niki Gulley
10″ x 30″ textured oil painting of our villa in Tuscany

Last night – Tuscany Art Trek

On the last evening of our Tuscany Art Trek, we gathered for show and tell (which everyone prefers calling it over a critique) with some wine and treats that we’d picked out throughout the week. It was so much fun seeing the spiral “stairway of art” grow each day as my student’s added their completed paintings to the display, and amazing to watch the progression in each’s work as they got more confident with their paint and letting their individual voices out. Scott assembled a slide show for each of the photography student’s top shots, and we thoroughly enjoyed getting to see Tuscany through each photographer’s unique perspective. It’s always fascinating to me how two artists (or in this case 9) can stand in the same place, and capture something completely different. 
We ended the night with one last delicious Italian meal, complete with truffles, bruschetta, homemade pastas and vin santo for dessert, enjoying the company of new friends. A perfect end to the trip!
My student’s paintings from the week on the spiral stairway of art.

If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. Registration deadlines for some of the trips are less than a month away!

If you’d like to learn how to paint with more color and freedom, please join me for my upcoming workshop, “Coloring Outside the Lines,” in Fredericksburg, TX, Nov. 2-4. Registration deadline is Oct. 15th. For details, visit

If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at [email protected].

Discount Registration Deadline for February’s Venice Art Trek

“La Foce” Tuscany ©2012 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 5″ x 7″ textured oil painting

Day 4, afternoon location, La Foce – Tuscany Art Trek
That afternoon, we were planning on painting this unique winding road dotted with cypress trees, but it started drizzling. So we decided to tour the gardens next door instead. Extremely formal and organized with clipped boxwoods and plantings in symmetrical stone urns, impressive travertine column staircases, and the largest indoor potted citrus grove in the area, it was interesting to see the contrast between an Italian garden and an American garden, and the challenges of getting irrigation to the remote property. That evening we hung out at the villa again, enjoying the beautiful views and sunset while sampling some delicious authentic Italian pizza. A perfect end to the day!
If you’d like to see my paintings from Tuscany and more of my contemporary landscape paintings, please stop by my booth at the Cottonwood Art Festival this weekend, Oct. 6th and 7th, from 10am – 6pm. Visit for details.
Enjoying the dramatic views from our villa over a leisurely dinner that evening.
If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. The early deadline and to receive a $500 savings for the Venice workshop is today!

If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at [email protected].
US Classes and Workshops –

Travel Art Treks and Plein Air Workshops –
Available Paintings –

Day 3 Tuscany Art Trek, Siena

“Doorway to the Past,” Siena, Italy ©2012 Niki Gulley
10″ x 8″ pastel

Day 3, Siena – Tuscany Art Trek
On the third day of our Tuscany Art Trek, we visited the ancient walled hill town of Siena. With an incredible marbled cathedral, a massive town square where they run the Palio, a world famous horse race, and a fascinating labyrinth of cobblestone streets with a treasure around every corner, there was something for everyone to see. We made a leisurely day of sightseeing and people watching in true Italian style, and that evening treated ourselves to a delicious dinner in town.
If you’d like to see “Doorway to the Past” and more of my travel plein-air paintings, please stop by my booth at the Cottonwood Art Festival this weekend, Oct. 6th and 7th, from 10am – 6pm. Visit for details.
Enjoying a fabulous dinner in Pienza.

If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. The early deadline and to receive a $500 savings for the Venice workshop is less than a month away.
If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at [email protected].
US Classes and Workshops –

Travel Art Treks and Plein Air Workshops –

Plein Air Painting in Tuscany with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

9×12 textured oil painting by Niki Gulley

Day 1, afternoon location – Tuscany Art Trek

That afternoon it started to drizzle, so we picked a location that was covered where we could still paint and photograph. With the sky fairly overcast and the hues rather dull that afternoon, we used the cypress as our subject, but had fun playing with color. I think the results were even better than had it been a sunny day! Everyone’s paintings turned out beautiful, and that evening we treated ourselves to a fabulous tuscan dinner of pastas, pecorinos, meats and a little vino to treat ourselves. A great end to a fun filled day!

One of our photographers getting into the shot!

An amazing dinner with new friends.
If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. The early deadline and to receive a $500 savings for the Venice workshop is less than a month away.

If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at [email protected].


US Classes and Workshops –

Travel Art Treks and Plein Air Workshops –
Available Paintings –

Tuscany Plein-Air Painting / Photo Workshop with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

9×12 textured oil painting by Niki Gulley

Day 1 – Tuscany Art Trek

We had so much fun painting at the villa in the morning, that we decided to paint another farmhouse in a different direction next. With so much to choose from, it was had to pick just one subject! This time, we all decided to work with palette knife and thick juicy oil paint, enjoying creating texture and the exciting color combinations that occur while working wet in wet with the paint. As a treat when we were finished, we met up with the others in the group for a delicious lunch of local proscuittos, pecorino cheeses, fruits and vegees, and of course, a little vino for afternoon fuel!

Two of our painters, Sheri Jones (above) and Pat (below) also working with palette knife in Tuscany.

If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. The early deadline and to receive a $500 savings for the Venice workshop is less than a month away.

If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at [email protected].


US Classes and Workshops –

Travel Art Treks and Plein Air Workshops –
Available Paintings –

Last Day of the Santa Fe Art Trek w/ Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

SANTA FE ART TREK:  Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshop with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams  
Day 5, afternoon critique & dinner
We finished our Santa Fe Art Trek with a final critique, sharing our work from the various locations. Above you can see each student’s interpretation of the Rio Chama. I love how every painter’s personality comes through in their work and how uniquely each one saw the same scene. Below are a few more examples of our paintings and pastels from the day we painted in Santa Fe.

To complete the week, those who could make it to dinner enjoyed some delicious red and green chile dishes at La Choza, as we reminisced about the trip and enjoyed our last night together before driving home the next day. A perfect week in Santa Fe!
Visit for upcoming Art Treks and Workshops or
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information.For new classes and workshops in Texas this fall, see

Art Trek Paris – Day 6, Monet’s Gardens

Monet’s Gardens, Giverny, France • 9” x 12″ oil painting by Niki Gulley
Day 6 – Art Trek Paris with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams
On Day 6, we woke up early to get to Monet’s Gardens in Giverny to capture the early morning light. The gardens were amazing – preserved just like in his paintings! We reached the far side of his beautiful pond and quickly painted the water lilies and famous bridge, putting our contemporary spin on impressionism.
If you would like to come along on one of our upcoming Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshops to
Santa Fe, NM Aug. 12 – 18 (see or
 Tuscany, Italy Aug. 31 – Sept. 8 (visit,
please e-mail Niki Gulley for more information. Registration deadlines are quickly approaching. We’d love to have you join us!
To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, please go to my website at

Plein-Air Painting at Versailles with Niki Gulley

Versailles5″ x 7″ pastel by Niki Gulley
Day 5, Afternoon – Art Trek Paris with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams
Thoroughly enjoying the sunshine and this peaceful hidden garden, we scoped out another view and tried to capture more of the sense of being in France in our next sketch. Manicured, organized, and adorned with statues and urns as focal points, this vantage communicated the idea of the French formal garden that I was looking for. At the end of the day, the French groundsman was kind enough to offer us pastel artists fixative for our drawings! That definitely breaks the misconception we have of the French not being friendly! A perfect ending to a perfect day.
If you would like to come along on one of our upcoming Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshops to
Santa Fe, NM Aug. 12 – 18 (see or
 Tuscany, Italy Aug. 31 – Sept. 8 (visit,
please e-mail Niki Gulley for more information. Registration deadlines are quickly approaching. We’d love to have you join us!
To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, please go to my website at