“Through the Keyhole” Palette Knife Oil Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley


“Through the Keyhole” ©2021 Niki Gulley
20” x 16” textured oil painting
I love the twisting, textured limbs of old oak trees, and the way these two branches formed a keyhole view of the forest beyond was fascinating. Arching the branches upward suggests a touch of whimsey like climbing a tree when you’re a kid. Loaded with texture and surprising pops of color, I hope you, too, are transported to an enchanted place filled with hope and wonder.

If you have any questions about my palette knife paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
To see more of Niki Gulley’s contemporary landscape paintings, visit NikiGulley.com.


To purchase and for more details on “Through the Keyhole,” go to https://www.nikigulley.com/through-the-keyhole/.



New “Rosy Surprise” Palette Knife Painting by Impressionist Niki Gulley


“Rosy Surprise” ©2022 Niki Gulley
16″ x 16″ Textured Mixed Media on Canvas

What a beautiful surprise to have these roses blooming in my garden this winter! Of course the next night it was supposed to freeze and I couldn’t let these beauties go to waste. After cutting and assembling them in a vase, I just kept staring at them as they were bringing so much color and joy to the grey day. Despite several projects on my plate, I had to take a break and capture these rosy fleeting blooms. May they bring some vibrancy to your winter days, too.





To see more of my contemporary textured paintings, please visit nikigulley.com.
For more information on my large floral paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.
