“Windows on the World” Oil Painting by Niki Gulley from Tuscany


Daily Painting #49
“Windows on the World” ©2020 Niki Gulley
9″ x 12″ textured oil painting on panel


You can almost imagine what the view must be like when you throw open the shutters and greet the morning as the scene unfolds below you.

If you’re interested in purchasing this painting, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/windows-on-the-world/ .

If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive daily e-mails about these new paintings as soon as I finish them and a chance to purchase them before anyone else, please follow me on Facebook or Instagram. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it you could pass this along. Thank you!

E-mail Niki Gulley.



Siena Tower Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley


Daily Painting #48
“Siena Tower” ©2020 Niki Gulley
12″ x 9″ textured oil painting on panel


I set up in one of the quiet cobble streets radiating out from the campo of the Medieval hill town of Siena to capture the textures of their ancient walls and this unique old clock tower. Back in my studio, I added final details and textured paint to pull the scene together and recreate the beauty and history we experienced while in this energetic city.

If you’re interested in purchasing this painting, just follow this link https://www.nikigulley.com/siena-tower/ .

If interested in framing options, please e-mail me.

If you’d like to receive daily e-mails about these new paintings as soon as I finish them and a chance to purchase them before anyone else, please follow me on Facebook or Instagram. And, if you know anyone else who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it you could pass this along. Thank you!

E-mail Niki Gulley.
