“Texas Impressions II” New Bluebonnet oil painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

“Texas Impressions II” ©2016 Niki Gulley
Sold • 24″ x 12″ textured oil painting
Just Sold! I painted these Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush with extremely thick oil paint and palette knives to achieve depth and texture. The resulting image comes to life and is loaded with color and energy. In this vertical wildflower series, I’ve framed the paintings in espresso floater frames so that you can still see the textured oil paint continuing around the edges of the canvas. These Texas wildflowers look great hung alone or in a grouping, too!

To see more of Niki Gulley’s textured landscape paintings please check out NikiGulley.com,
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her Texas bluebonnet and wildflower paintings.

Watercolor Home Portrait by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

8″ x 10″ watercolor home portrait ©2016 Niki Gulley
I was commissioned to paint this watercolor home portrait as a Christmas gift for one of my collectors. I hope it brings back fond memories!

To see more of Niki Gulley’s contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings please check out NikiGulley.com,
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on painting commissions.

SOLD – “Texas Impressions” Bluebonnet oil painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

“Texas Impressions” ©2016 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 24″ x 12″ textured oil painting
Just Sold! I painted these Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush with extremely thick oil paint and palette knives to achieve depth and texture. The resulting image comes to life and is loaded with color and energy. In this vertical wildflower series, I’ve framed the paintings in espresso floater frames so that you can still see the textured oil paint continuing around the edges of the canvas. These Texas wildflowers look great hung alone or in a grouping, too!

To see more of Niki Gulley’s textured landscape paintings please check out NikiGulley.com,
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her Texas bluebonnet and wildflower paintings.