I just finished teaching my Color Explosion workshop and it turned out great! Here is one of the paintings I completed, which demonstrated one of the color schemes we talked about – how two sets of complementary colors work together. Starting with a black and white photo so that I could invent my own colors and not to be married to my photographic reference, I selected orange and blue for my dominant colors to suggest later afternoon sun on the adobe building and adding to a sense of it glowing in the sun. For my second pair of complimentary colors, I chose red and green for the hollyhocks, giving the overall scene a warm, summery feel.
Month: January 2010

Book Illustrator for “The Art of Virtue”
I was commissioned to create this unusual floral painting for The Art of Virtue, a book that was just published on the writings of Benjamin Franklin by Charles T. Warren. The publisher wanted a painting that could be used in its entirety for the cover art and then also as eight individual paintings that could be broken up to be the artwork for each of its chapters. Also, with Franklin’s interest in and influential development of horticulture in Philadelphia, florals seemed like a perfect fit.
At top is the original painting, along with the cover of the book and some interior pages above and below. For more information on commissions, e-mail me at [email protected].
Oil Painting Demonstration Tuscany
For more information about my paintings from Italy or about upcoming painting/photography workshops in Tuscany and Venice, e-mail me at [email protected].
Details are soon to come on my website, www.nikigulley.com/ng2/?page_id=13.
Venice Painting Workshop – Jan. 30th deadline
As we’re approaching the deadline for our plein air painting and photography workshop that my husband and I are teaching in Venice this May, I’m getting more and more excited about the trip. Venice is such a fascinating place with its architecture being 100s of years old, and the only modes of transportation being by foot or boat, that it really feels like you’ve stepped back in time. It’s difficult not to see a painting opportunity around every corner.
In “Afterglow” I wanted to capture the beautiful sunset that night over the main lagoon. The buildings in the background were kind of hazy with the sun setting, and the gondolas in front of me had just finished dropping off then final love-struck passengers and were being put away for the night. I felt like I could be in the middle of one of Claude Monet’s paintings!
If interested in other paintings from Venice or in more information about our upcoming workshops in Italy, e-mail me at [email protected] or visit nikigulley.com/ng2/?page_id=13. Jan. 30th is the cut off for the Venetian workshop, and space is limited to only 12 participants, so sign up today and join us for this amazing opportunity!
Color Explosion Workshop with Niki Gulley
12″ x 24″ pastel
In this pastel I wanted to capture this beautiful lavender field, but so many artists paint lavender that I wanted to put a twist on the subject matter. Rather than recreate the realistic colors as I saw them, I thought it would be fun to see how far I could push my colors. I love the way complimentary colors vibrate when next to each so I chose oranges and yellows for the sky and sand in between the rows since they are opposite of the blues and purples of the lavender on the color wheel. I love the energy and color contrasts of the finished painting!
On Jan. 30th, I’ll be teaching an all day workshop at my studio, “Color Explosion,” where we’ll cover color theory and meaning so that you can use color with confidence. Registration deadline is this Friday, Jan. 22nd, and I have just a few spots left. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to participate in the workshop. For more information, e-mail me at [email protected] or visit nikigulley.com/ng2/?page_id=13.
Intricate Rooftops II
“Floating on Water” Thailand pastel
Having our friend, who lives in Thailand, to help guide us while we were visiting Bangkok allowed us to get off the beaten path and see all sorts of sights besides the main tourist attractions. One of my favorites was a trip to this temple park where they had recreated all of the major temples in Thailand on a smaller scale, but still life-size so that you could still tour inside the buildings in addition to viewing the exterior details and grounds as they would appear in their natural setting. I was particularly drawn to this Chinese temple which appeared to actually be floating on water from certain angles. I loved the deep red exterior with jade green detailing and the way the exotic looking spider mums in the foreground framed this view. Late afternoon light also added a sense of peacefulness to the scene.
Intricate Rooftops, Bangkok, Thailand
On the last leg of our Asian adventure, we visited our good friend who had been living in Bangkok, Thailand for the past year. We welcomed having our host and much appreciated tour guide help us navigate the 18 million person city, especially after having toured around the other countries on our own.